Wherever I travel, my absolute 'must visit' list includes the local food market. There is so much to see. More often than not markets produce some great discoveries and ideas. a great new supplier, who easily becomes a friend, a spice connection and a source of practical and useful ideas.
UK farmer's markets and food festivals are my favourites, especially in summer.

In Istanbul, the markets simply overwhelm the senses. Whether the outrageous displays and heady aromas to be had in the 350 year old covered Spice bazaar or the fresh riot of colour in the open air stalls, meat shops and delicatessens of Kadikoy market, 25 minutes by boat across the straits, leaving 'old' Europe to venture into mystical Asia.
Back in Indonesia, the market is a short cut to what's best and where to eat, and much more.... just talk to the locals and anything is possible

My market favourites are eclectic - from the peppers in Catania in Sicily to fresh fish in Brixton and pineapples in Flores, East Indonesia.