Wedang Jahe Tea
A boosting, healthy tea for the soul
Wedang Jahe
An infusion of ginger, lemongrass and pandan leaves - you can find pandan leaves at Asian grocery stores or online sources such as the asian cookshop.
Dry roasting the ginger in a pan or on a griddle will give it a smoky aroma - as an interesting option. Add palm sugar syrup for a touch of sweetness. I prefer to serve from a teapot with proper teacups and this is a drink to enjoy all year round.
Serves 2-4
For the tea
50 gr fresh ginger roots
brush the skin clean, don't peel but crush firmly to release the ginger oil -
0.5 litres water
Half a stalk of lemongrass, crushed
For the syrup
Half a pandan leaf, chopped roughly (if available)
600g palm sugar (if available) alternatively dark muscovado sugar can be used
100ml water
1 pandan leaf, chopped roughly
The syrup will thicken as it cools to room temperature. If not thick enough, just simmer for an extra 5 minutes.
It will last in your refrigerator for a couple weeks.

Tradition: pouring Wedang Jahe using a Javanese ceramic teapot and cups.

Lemon grass and ginger...

with pandan leaves.
Pour the water into a medium pan, add the crushed ginger, lemongrass stalk and pandan leaf
Bring to the boil and gently simmer for 20-25 mins.
Prepare the sugar syrup: if you can, use natural palm sugar, for its wonderful fragrance. Place all the syrup ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil, simmer for 5-7 mins. Leave to cool and strain.
The tea will now have infused, strain into the teapot and it is ready to serve with the syrup to taste. Alternatively you can skip the syrup and add coconut sugar to taste.